Wednesday, October 16, 2013

I Pledge Handmade!

What is it to pledge handmade?  To me, pledging handmade means to support handmade items as much as I can.  I might not be able to buy every single thing I use from an artisan who created it, but I can do my best to buy handmade when it is feasible for me.

What can we do to support handmade instead of newly manufactured or mass produced goods?  Check out sites like Etsy or do a Web search for handmade, plus the item you're looking for. 
  • Instead of buying a new pair of gloves or a scarf from a retailer, see if you can find a hand knit pair.
  • If you're thinking about replacing furniture and you can't afford a handmade set consider getting something second hand, like a gently used table and chairs set, instead of buying a new, mass produced set.
  • Instead of using one of those cardboard cup sleeves when you go to buy coffee in the morning, consider buying a crocheted coffee cozy from an individual maker.
  • If you want a new dress, try looking for a local seamstress to have one made just for you.
  • Want a new laptop or phone case?  Many people hand make and sell these.
  • Instead of buying mass produced jewelry, check out Etsy or search online for handmade marketplaces to find someone who can hand make the right piece for you.
I know that not everyone can buy 100% handmade, but it's important to do our part to support artisans as much as we can.  I hope that this holiday season you'll consider buying handmade for gifts instead of only buying from big box retailers.

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